C Haynes
Art Lead
At CEJA, we believe that our art curriculum should provide our children with high-quality art topics that enable them to extend and build upon their current skills and knowledge, whilst also allowing them opportunities to express their individual creativity through various mediums and forms. As pupils progress throughout our school, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design, exploring the works of established artists, including those from the local area.
We believe that art, craft and design can embody some of the highest forms of human creativity and therefore we ensure that all our pupils are given the chance to explore a wide range of art techniques including painting, sculpting, printing, drawing and textiles. It is our aim to ensure that art is woven into all areas and subjects of our school life as we believe it enables pupils to develop a natural sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.
We will ignite a passion in students to experience and explore the world of Art, creating work that is meaningful, creative and high quality. Students will develop and discover new skills that will help them to become imaginative practitioners and experience many forms of Art as 2d and 3d. It will also give students the opportunity to see how art is practiced in the wider world. Our successful artists will: ‘Learn the rules like a pro, break them like an artist.’ (Pablo Picasso)
Curriculum Approach
Children develop artistic skills each year building on their prior knowledge, supported by the KAPOW scheme. Children are taught about historical and cultural development as well as learning about significant artists and designers from a range of backgrounds. Children have opportunities to create works of art, explore ideas and evaluate creative works using language of art and design.
External Stimuli
Children from Year 3 through to Year 6 are taught about Art and Design through our visitors, trips and exhibitions. Year 5 have engaged with local artists to produce plaster pots at the plaster works and again to create Jubilee decorations, celebrating Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Year 4 have an online session with the National Gallery to input into their art works.
Whole School Art
During Art week children create a piece of Art to enter for the London Mayor’s Fourth Plinth competition, in which we had the Borough Winner for Waltham Forest. We enter the Royal Academy of Art’s Young Artist Show as well as entering local competitions such as TfL STARS poster design.
Children have access to a wide variety of Art resources and have opportunities to use a range of media, exploring ideas in their sketchbooks before committing to a final piece.
Thoughtful Questioning
Lesson engage children and through materials, artist study and visits are encouraged to think more deeply about creativity and interpretation of Art.
By the end of key stage 2, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. |
Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically about their Art and Design lessons and other cross curricular lessons (e.g. themed days). Children across the school articulate well about the benefits of learning about artists and being creative.
Pupils know how and why it is important to learn and develop creative skills. Pupils know how art and design has shaped and contributed to history.
Pupils use acquired vocabulary in lessons. Pupils understand and demonstrate artistic skills through work produced.
Teachers plan a range of opportunities to use art skills and knowledge through creative and inspiring sessions inside and outside school.