Chapel End Junior Academy

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Enhancement & Enrichment Activities Including After School Clubs

We aim to provide variety of enrichment activities both before and after school and during the school day to enhance our children's enjoyment and learning.  

Each term the provision may be adjusted to accommodate requests and needs of the children.  We hope that, every child, will at some point during their time with us enjoy participating in these activities.

  • Enhancement activities run before during and after school
  • All clubs are run by specialist staff
  • For further information please contact A Crundwell or L Joy in the School Office
  • Please complete a registration form if your child would like to participate in any of our clubs
  • Please collect children promptly from the designated collection point (Roberts Road entrance, Beresford Road entrance or Hall entrance) at the finish time


Club Day and Time Staff Member
Computing Monday (3:25-4:25 pm) V Kumar and T Auguste
Water Colours Monday (3:25-4:25 pm) L Squire
Film Tuesday (3:25-4:25 pm) C Trunkfield and J Jarvis
Art Wednesday (3:25-4:25 pm) C Finch and G Yamoah 
Karaoke Thursday (3:25-4:25 pm) C Allen and D Khan
Seasonal Sports  Friday (3:25-4:25 pm) O Akinnawo
Cooking Friday (3:25-4:25 pm) M Tofi


Externally Run Clubs

Club Day and Time  Staff
Football Monday (3:30-4:30pm) Coach J
Multisports Year 3/4 Tuesday (3:30-4:30pm) Coach J
Multisports Year 5/6 Thursday (3:30-4:30pm) Coach J