Chapel End Junior Academy

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C Allen

Geography Lead


In geography, we want students to be prepared with the knowledge, skills and understanding to face the emerging challenges of the modern world and help shape our societies and environments at local, national and global scales. In order to do this we will nurture, challenge and inspire pupils through all stages of their geography learning. Children will be nurtured with a variety of opportunities that will help develop their understanding of geographical concepts and skills. Students will be challenged to ask questions about the world they live in, investigating and making enquiries about their local area as well as further afield. Finally, students will be inspired to become global citizens who will have a clear sense of place and knowledge and appreciation for different cultures and countries around the world. We will equip students with the knowledge and understanding that will not only prepare them for their future lives as sustainable citizens but also to develop their curiosity and wonder of our planet. 

Our curriculum is based around four major themes which will equip students with the skills to prepare them for their future lives:

  • Knowledge and Understanding: To develop knowledge and understanding of the world’s physical and human landscapes and processes and how they interact. To ensure an understanding of global issues facing them now and in the future.
  • Geographical Skills: To give students knowledge of the world outside their doorstep through the development of their geographical skills using a variety of resources around them.
  • Evaluation and Judgement: To be able to critically assess and evaluate geographical issues and ideas. 
  • Awe and Wonder for the World: To develop a desire to travel and respect other cultures through a development of awe and wonder for the world.


Well Planned lessons will engage pupils and provide all children the opportunity to develop their geographical skills.

External Stimuli Through trips and visits, children will be given the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge beyond the classroom.

Discussion allowing children to share and consolidate their knowledge.

Local links Where possible, links will be made to the geography of the local community to develop the children’s sense of perspective.

Thoughtful Questioning that encourages deeper thinking and the consideration of other viewpoints.

Themed Days to celebrate and raise the profile of significant locations in the world.



Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically about their geography lessons and show a genuine curiosity and interest in the areas they have explored.



Pupils have a sound understanding of location and place and are able to compare and make links between these. They will deepen their knowledge of human and physical processes and understand how these effect environments.



 Pupils use acquired vocabulary to interpret and convey their understanding of the world. They can analyse and interpret information in order to question and reflect on the world and its inhabitants.



Teachers plan opportunities for pupils to study across concepts and deepen their conceptual understanding in aspects of particular geographical value. Pupils have the confidence and are inspired to further their knowledge.

Pupil Voice 

In our Mountains and Volcanoes unit, we watched videos about famous mountains and volcanoes. Watching an actual volcanic eruption was fascinating.

We got to learn about our local area. We located where Walthamstow is in relation to the world.  We identified what human and physical features are in our local area. This was great because most of us live in Walthamstow.

Geography to me means learning about the world, our Earth and our surroundings. I enjoy it because we get to do research using the computers to present our findings.

In Geography, we recently did a lesson about the world's tectonic plates. I found it interesting because I remember learning about mountains and volcanoes in Year 3 but this was definitely more in-depth. I understand where I am building on my previous learning.
